Regulation and public law

Disciplinary proceedings

The CFOs and FDs of the country's most exciting, innovative and ambitious companies come together to share ideas, insights and advice.

Disciplinary proceedings

Our team is recognised as one of the UK's leading teams in the fields of professional discipline and professional regulation.

We act for both professional and bodies, and regulated businesses and individuals handling substantial and complex cases involving serious allegations; often with an international element and where there is a high level of public and media interest.

Our clients include the Law Society of England & Wales, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), the Architects Regulation Board (ARB) and a number of national charities, for whom we have conducted many of their most complex and high profile reported cases.

Our unusual breadth of experience means that we are able to tackle complex multi-dimensional cases that are beyond the scope of many other firms.

Many of our cases require close collaborative working with our clients to find pragmatic solutions to often difficult problems.

Our Disciplinary proceedings experience

As such we have considerable experience dealing with:

  • disciplinary proceedings 
  • matters regarding regulators
  • proceedings for a number of regulated professionals and regulatory bodies including solicitors, barristers, healthcare professionals, architects, accountants and charity trustees

Our experience includes:

  • advising and conducting investigations and evidence gathering
  • prosecuting and defending regulatory and enforcement investigations actions
  • disciplinary proceedings, including the prosecution and defence of matters before professional tribunals and in appeals before the Administrative Court and Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court
  • a wide range of litigious matters, including judicial review and administrative law
  • interventions into existing High Court proceedings
  • professional indemnity insurance and perimeter enforcement
  • drafting codes
  • providing advice on the drafting of legislation and delegated legislation
  • advising boards and trustees on a wide range of governance, procedural matters and reputational risk management


One of the best professional discipline teams in London.
The Legal 500 (2023)

Our disciplinary proceedings team

  • Our team is consistently highly ranked in the legal directories Chambers UK and The Legal 500.
  • The Legal 500 (2023) describes our team as "one of the best professional discipline teams in London."
  • The Legal 500 (2022) says our experts "are the best at professional discipline – these lawyers know their stuff." One commentator notes: "they bring a wealth of experience across numerous sectors to solving problems for clients, and are commercial, strategic and fighters when necessary. Their work covers nearly every conceivable profession – auditors, solicitors, architects, police officers, sportsmen, to name but a few."
  • "Frequently assists regulators with investigations, evidence gathering and regulatory action. Also acts on behalf of individual practitioners and organisations in defending against disciplinary proceedings." Chambers UK (2021). A client tells Chambers: "They are able to offer high-quality advice consistently, but perhaps more crucially for us, they have an ability to think outside the box and come up with solutions in some of the unusual circumstances we face."
  • Four members of our team are advocates with Higher Rights of Audience.

The team has been involved in a number of high-profile cases including:

  • SRA v Shiner
  • disciplinary proceedings and interventions arising from the collapse of the Axiom Legal Financing Fund (including SRA v Barnett and SRA v Wingate and Evans)
  • Solicitors Regulation Authority v Mireskandari and Turbin
  • Sheikh v Law Society

A number of the firm's lawyers have contributed to The Law of Legal Services by John Gould, published by Jordan.

Charging information

Charges are usually based on our hourly rates plus administrative charges and disbursements. We will provide you with an initial estimate of your likely legal costs and will update this as your requirements or the circumstances of the work change.

If you instruct us on a volume of work and/or can offer us a fixed term contract we may be able to offer discounted hourly rates. 

We would be pleased to discuss your requirements free of charge and tailor a costs proposal accordingly.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact our regulation and public law solicitors by email, by telephone on +44 (0)20 3826 7524 or complete our enquiry form.

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