Modern slavery statement
1. Opening statement from senior management
Russell-Cooke LLP (“Russell-Cooke") is a limited liability partnership registered in England Wales with registration number OC327450. Russell-Cooke provides legal services to clients, based primarily in England and Wales. This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) as Russell-Cooke's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 June 2022.
Russell-Cooke is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business and supply chain, and imposes the same high standards on its suppliers.
2. Structure of the organisation
Russell-Cooke LLP is a London based law firm with over 360 partners and employees based in three London based offices and has an annual turnover of £39 million. The firm advises a mix of commercial, not-for-profit, regulatory and personal clients. To find out more about the nature of our business, please view our home page.
3. Policies
We work in a low slavery risk jurisdiction and, as a provider of legal services we consider the likelihood of any form of modern slavery being present in our business to be minimal. However, as part of our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not take place in any part of our business, nor in any part of our supply chain, we have implemented the following procedures and policies:
Outsourcing Policy
This establishes that Russell-Cooke LLP will continue to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and conduct annual reviews of outsourced suppliers.
Recruitment Procedures
These confirm that Russell-Cooke LLP will conduct checks on all staff to safeguard that they can legally work in the United Kingdom.
Corporate Responsibility Policy
This policy is designed to ensure that Russell-Cooke LLP is conducting its business responsibly.
Whistleblowing Policy
Russell-Cooke LLP encourages all of its employees to report any concerns related to the activities of the firm. The organisation's whistleblowing procedure is designed to ensure that any matter raised under this procedure will be investigated thoroughly, promptly and confidentially, and the outcome of the investigation reported back to the individual who raised the issue. Additionally, the policy guarantees that no and will be
victimised for raising a matter under this procedure.
We also make sure our suppliers are aware of our policies, and adhere to the same high standards.
4. Outsourced suppliers
Our service providers include suppliers of IT and communications equipment and services; office cleaning; delivery services, including couriers; marketing, such as merchandise suppliers and conference providers; office equipment and supplies; and professional services such as auditors, legal counsel, banks, insurers and recruitment agencies.
Russell-Cooke is committed to ensuring no modern slavery or human trafficking is present in our supply chains or any other aspect of our day-to-day operations. We expect all of our suppliers and service providers to uphold the highest professional standards and to ensure full compliance with all laws and regulations. We only appoint highly reputable third parties to work with us and, in many cases, have long-standing relationships with them. The conduct of suppliers and providers of services is carefully considered when we award or review our supply chain business.
5. Risk and compliance monitoring
Russell-Cooke’s Head of Risk & Compliance is responsible for overseeing compliance with our policies and requirements and we provide broad ranging training in relation to compliance. We will continue to focus on risk and compliance to help us comply with our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This will include undertaking due diligence that is specifically supplier focused.
6. Training
To ensure a high level of awareness and understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, members of our staff who procure supplies or services on behalf of the firm complete relevant training.
This statement will be reviewed annually by our Head of Risk & Compliance.
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October 2022