Medical negligence

International injury claims

International injury claims

International injury claims

We advise non-UK nationals on legal issues involved in bringing claims if they are injured in an accident or through medical treatment whilst visiting the UK. We also provide legal advice to UK nationals who suffer injury whilst abroad.

Personal injury claims

We are experienced in acting for UK nationals in personal injury claims where they have suffered injuries in a road traffic accident or in the course of their employment whilst abroad or in hotel accommodation abroad or during holiday based sporting activities.

Clinical negligence claims

We act for UK and non-UK nationals who have been injured through medical treatment which includes surgery performed either in the UK or abroad.

We have also acted for many clients who have suffered injuries and complications following private cosmetic surgery overseas, and also for those who have had private cosmetic procedures in the UK performed by European Doctors, where we have had to pursue the doctors back to their country of origin.

Overseas claims

In addition, we provide assistance and guidance for individuals who have been injured abroad but who are unable to bring a claim in the UK for jurisdictional reasons. In those circumstances we are able to advise and appoint suitable agents (from our international network of experts) to act for the individual in the country where the accident occurred.

Terrorism abroad

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme has recently been amended so that all UK citizens who have been affected by terrorist attacks abroad since November 2012 (for example, the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015 and in Tunisia in March 2015) are able to bring a claim. We are able to offer a service to clients who require assistance with such claims.

Our international injury claims team

We are an experienced team of lawyers with a national reputation for excellence. The lawyers' peer review Chambers UK (2021) describes us as "astute litigators" and "thoroughly impressive". We regularly receive referrals from other law firms and professionals.

Our team includes specialist lawyers who are accredited members of panels including the Law Society Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury Panels, Action Against Medical Accidents (AVMA) Panel and the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL).

We can offer flexible funding arrangements for clients. The financial strength, size and diversity of the firm means that in certain circumstances we can offer in-house funding for claims which have a strong chance of success but where the client is in difficult financial circumstances.

"The cross-border team at this leading London firm bring passion and activism informed by the firm’s strength and depth in a wide number of specialist fields."
The Legal 500 (2022)

Medical negligence charging information

The main funding options relevant to compensation claims are set out below. We would be pleased to offer potential clients a free no obligation half hour interview or an initial assessment over the telephone to discuss the likelihood of pursuing a claim and discuss the various funding options available to you.

Public Funding / Legal Services Commission

This was abolished for most injury claims in April 2000. However, it is still available for clinical claims and as we have a contract with the Legal Services Commission we can apply for you.

"No Win, No Fee"/Conditional Fee Agreements

These are agreements between you and a firm of solicitors. If you win, the other side pays your solicitor's costs and if you lose your solicitor does not get paid.

However losing could mean that you have to pay the other side's costs, but you can protect yourself by taking out an insurance policy which will pay the other side's costs if you lose.

Legal Expenses Insurance

We recommend that you check all insurance policies (including any belonging to other family members) as you might be covered for solicitors fees for accident claims and you will still be able to instruct us to act for you.

Your own money

You can pay your own costs and we will ask you to pay for the work as the case progresses. Costs can be expensive and if you lose you could end up paying the other side's fees as well

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact our medical negligence solicitors by email, by telephone on +44 (0)20 3826 7517 or complete our enquiry form below.

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